A Network Analysis of Hubway

How does Hubway complement MBTA services?

Bike-sharing service, like Hubway, can provide better access to transit hubs and additional options for trips beyond those provided by public transit -- reducing the number of transfers, wait times, and travel time variability due to traffic. In order to quantify the impact of Hubway, we compare durations of trips in the historical data with the corresponding expected travel times by public transit (and/or walking) obtained using service information from the GTFS feed provided by MBTA. The travel time savings are then calculated and visualized here. We can see that most trips made by Hubway users would take longer on the MBTA network. As of September 2012, Hubway has helped its members save over 45,000 hours of travel delay.

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total one-way trips made

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total travel time saved

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as of september 2012

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